***Does not fit 2004 & newer Screaming Eagle Deuce***
Due to popular demand, Boss Bags has come up with a way to put their top of the line phantom bracket saddlebags onto your Deuce. Boss Bags modifys the existing pantented Harley-Davidon Deuce saddlebag mounting hardware to make it work with the Phantom Bracket system. The bags will not work on a Deuce unless the Harley Davidson Deuce saddlebag supports (#HD68360-00) is bought and modified. This modified, ready to install harware (#DeuceHD) is available from Boss Bags for an additional $199. Because of its unique rear fender, HD90395-00 Deuce turn signal relocation kit (+$30) is also required.
If you already have Harley leather bags on your Deuce you may send in your mounting hardware for a $100.00 credit for a core.
A real advantage to having the #34/36 and #38 is when you want to ride without the saddlebags, you may do so, with little evidence that your bike has saddle bags - no ugly bracket - just two stainless steel nipples. The Phantom bracket system attributes quick disconnect, and clean bike appearance when the bags are off the bike. Go here page to see bag removal of the #34 bag.